Earlier this summer the Seafarers’ Training Institute launched Canada’s first ever national hiring initiative aimed at attracting, training and retaining Canada’s next generation of Seafarers. Along with partners Algoma Central, Canada Steamship Lines, Groupe Desgagnes and The SIU of Canada, Be a Seafarer is off to a great start with the first round of recruits already receiving training.
On June 24, community members, SIU members, political officials and representatives from Canada’s maritime community gathered in St. Catharines to celebrate the launch of Be a Seafarer. Over 250 locals including many prospective seafarers joined together to learn more about the benefits a seafaring career offers. Participants heard from President Given as he spoke about the immediate need for more seafarers and the important role Canadian seafarers play in Canada’s economy.
We’re very proud that Be a Seafarer has captured media attention across Canada and internationally. In case you missed it, President Given was interviewed by Global News Halifax, and Be a Seafarer spokesperson, Vince Giannopoulos appeared on Quebec’s Journal Metro and Le Quebec Matin Week-End – just to name a few.
Throughout the summer we’ve launched a series of videos telling Canadians why they should consider becoming a seafarer. These videos follow our members, describe the various roles and responsibilities of a seafarer, and highlight the benefits of a seafaring career. If you haven’t seen the videos you can check them out on our YouTube channel. Stay tuned for more videos coming soon!
This summer our representatives have been working hard to help get the Seafarers’ International Union and Seafarers’ Training Institute’s name out there by attending several events including job fairs and meeting potential new recruits face-to-face. In Hamilton, Toronto and Sydney we met interested applicants and discussed what they can expect through our training program and through their seafaring career. We will be attending more events like these through the fall, so keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages to find out where we’ll be next.
Back to school means more opportunities to bring on new recruits. Through talking with potential recruits and young people, we learned that young people often don’t know about seafaring as a career option. This fall, we’ll be talking with high school and college students to introduce them to seafaring, and to discuss the benefits of a career with the SIU. We’re looking forward to meeting more young recruits and growing our brother and sisterhood of the sea this year.
Thank you to all of our members for your ongoing support of this initiative. Our industry is growing, and as we look to bring the next generation of Canadian seafarers on board, we rely on the existing membership to ensure new recruits are successful in their roles.