
NAFTA roundtable needs more maritime representation, says SIU of Canada

Canadian flag waving with Parliament Buildings hill and Library in the background


January 17, 2018


Montreal, QC- Today, federal Transport Minister Garneau will be hearing from transportation stakeholders at a North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) roundtable consultation in Montreal.  The Shipping Federation of Canada will be the sole voice representing the maritime industry. The SIU is disappointed that other maritime voices, including our own, will not be present to communicate concerns and insights regarding the modernization of NAFTA.  The members of the SIU work aboard vessels on Canadian waters, to transport globally traded goods and are directly impacted by trade agreements like NAFTA.  This is a missed opportunity for the Canadian government to better understand challenges facing the shipping industry as they relate to NAFTA.


“As an important stakeholder in the maritime transportation sector, we are disappointed to not have been included in tomorrow’s NAFTA round table with Transport Minister Marc Garneau. Nevertheless, we will be making our voices heard on critical issues within the industry,” says SIU Executive Vice President, Patrice Caron.


About the SIU of Canada

The Seafarers’ International Union of Canada (SIU) is affiliated with the Seafarers’ International Union of North America serving unlicensed sailors since 1938. The most important sailors’ union in Canada, the SIU represents the majority of unlicensed sailors working aboard vessels on the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence River, on the East and West Coasts. In addition to vessels operated in Canadian waters, SIU members also have the opportunity to work aboard vessels delivering cargoes in the United States, Europe and South America.

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