Brothers and Sisters,
Please note that in the coming months new measures will be taking place at the Seafarers’ Medical Plan (SMP) for submission of claims. The SMP will require that all Members submitting claims be done electronically and no longer by regular mail.
Claims can still be submitted to the SMP by regular mail, or by email, at until September 30, 2020.
As of October 1st 2020, all claims must be submitted by email at
To submit your claims via email, go to to view and print your claim forms. Once you’ve filled out these forms, please scan them, either using a scanner or your smartphone, and email the forms, along with a void cheque from your bank for direct deposit purposes, to and we will then process your claim. Please note that your void cheques must be in the name of the Member submitting the claim in order for us to process it.
Any comments or questions, feel free to contact the undersigned.
Catherine Hand
514-931-7859 ext 227