
SIU COVID-19 Response Hiring Hall Reopening Plan

Touchless Services


Preferably dues are paid via eTransfer. Otherwise, members must send a cheque or money order to Records.

New Applicants

As much as possible, candidates will be restricted from the Hiring Halls. Where possible, potential candidates should submit copies of their required documents to the appropriate dispatcher via email. Once we have copies of all of the prerequisites, we mail them a copy of the Application for Admission form, Death Beneficiary Card and Union Card and wait for it to be returned by mail. If possible, we should process initiation fees in the same as dues.

Updating Member Files

As much as possible, Members are encouraged to use SIU 2020 to update their files when it comes to new certificates. If a member is unable to do so, Members can email copies to a dispatcher. If a member is missing a document from their file when they apply for a job, the dispatcher could take a photo of the certificate as the member holds it in their hands.

Referral Letters

Should a member or applicant require a referral letter for a mortgage loan, a discharge book, etc. we must send it via email.

Medical Claims

All claims to be sent to the Seafarers Medical Plan via email or the member must submit their requests by mail (all claims must be submitted via email as of October 1, 2020). As much as possible, Members are encouraged to print their claim forms at home via our website

Please note that in the coming months new measures will be taking place at the Seafarers’ Medical Plan (SMP) for the submission of claims. The SMP will require that all Members submitting claims be done electronically and no longer by regular mail.

Claims can still be submitted to the SMP by regular mail, or by email, at until September 30, 2020.

As of October 1st 2020, all claims must be submitted by email at

Hiring Halls

Masks and hand sanitizer

Members and dispatchers will be required to wear a mask in the hall. Hand sanitizer should be available at the entry for members.

Apply social distancing advice

  • This includes adjusting the hiring hall layout to spread chairs, ideally, giving a distance of at least two (2) arms lengths (approximately 2 metres) between them.
  • Restricted bathroom use to one (1) person at a time.
  • Only those who will be applying for jobs may enter the Hall (no loitering)
  • Union Hall will only be open to Members from 9:30 – 10:30 & 14:30 – 15:30
  • Abide by markings on the floors where members should be standing when approaching the counter to ensure social-distancing is maintained.

Bidding for jobs

Members who bid on a job should approach the dispatch counter one at a time and leave their card on the countertop so that the dispatcher has a clear view from behind the counter. Once the dispatcher has determined who has won the bid, the dispatcher will complete the job call form on the member’s behalf and submit their file to the Company.

Weekend List

Members must send an email to the dispatcher no later than 15:30 every Friday. It must include their name, phone number, registration date and rating.

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